CAD/CAM Software Update Eases the Creation of Roughing Tool Paths
SmartCAMcnc has announced the release of SmartCAM v2019 comprising CNC milling, turning, fabrication and wire EDM capabilities.

SmartCAMcnc has announced the release of SmartCAM v2019 comprising CNC milling, turning, fabrication and wire EDM capabilities. This version delivers new Adaptive Solid-Pocket and Solid-Planar processes in the Advanced Milling, Advanced Turning and Freeform Machining applications. Also included are various customer-requested changes to the SmartCAM user interface and core functionality. Additionally, a variety of improvements to NC code generation are said to provide added flexibility.
Advanced Milling and Turning as well as FreeForm users will now be able to quickly and easily create high-speed adaptive milling tool paths directly from a solid. The new Adaptive Solid Pocket Process is used to create consistent-engagement, high-speed rough milling too paths when pocketing on Solid or Surface models. The solid model may contain a single or multiple closed-pocket features and can be comprised of any number of islands and “shelves.” Pocket walls can be vertical or drafted, and bottom fillet radii are supported by the process.
A new Adaptive Solid Planar Roughing process has also been added to the Adaptive Milling Toolpath Modeling task set. The process is used to create consistent-engagement, high-speed rough milling tool paths when removing material from a stock volume on Solid or Surface models. The model may consist of any combination of core and cavity features, with open or closed, blind or through regions, and can include any number of islands and “shelves.” The process is suitable for roughing simple prismatic parts as well as molds and dies with complex surfaces.
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