
CAD/CAM Software Updates Reflect User Feedback

IMTS 2022: MasterCam debuts its 2023 software updates.

Annabelle Tittel, Editorial Assistant, Gardner Business Media


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Photo Credit: MasterCam

MasterCam has been updated for 2023, using feedback from manufacturers and other users who tested the interface during the pre-release public beta program to tailor the final product to the needs of the user base. Feedback from public beta releases, shop visits, customer surveys and consultation with industry partners all shaped MasterCam 2023 to be an increasingly user-focused software. Multiaxis toolpaths Morph, Parallel, Along Curve, and Project Curve have been consolidated from individual toolpaths into a singular Unified toolpath, enabling access to these cut patterns when you add the appropriate curves. As an example, if a user were to create a toolpath that morphs between two surfaces, they would select Unified from the Multiaxis toolpaths, and then set the Cut Pattern to two surfaces with the Morph style. In addition to unifying toolpaths, B-Axis Contour Turning is an entirely new finishing toolpath for the Mill-Turn product, enabling rotation of the B-axis while the tool is cutting. The toolpath features a top-down workflow and provides either Automatic or Manual motion control. Automatic mode produces safe toolpath motion that keeps the insert in contact with the contour, while manual mode offers full control over the B-axis angles along the contour.

In addition to streamlining toolpaths, MasterCam can now detect undercut stock when machining. The Dynamic OptiRough and Area Roughing toolpaths are now aware of undercut stock conditions, resulting in improvement to the toolpath motion, including less air cutting.

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