CAM Programs Emphasize Integration
Autodesk will exhibit its range of CAM software built on the HSM CAM kernel, designed for generating efficient machining code and enabling the manufacture of high-quality finished parts while saving time and resources, the company says.

Autodesk will exhibit its range of CAM software built on the HSM CAM kernel, designed for generating efficient machining code and enabling the manufacture of high-quality finished parts while saving time and resources, the company says.
The company's Inventor HSM CAD/CAM software combines the capabilities of Inventor 3D software and HSM CAM technology into an integrated design-to-manufacturing process. Inventor users can take advantage of familiar workflows and tools when programming CNC toolpaths for 2.5D (2-1/2-axis), 3D and 3+2 machining projects.
Inventor HSM Express is a CAM software plug-in for all configurations of Inventor, supporting professional 2.5D milling and drilling applications.
HSMWorks, which integrates with SolidWorks 3D design software, provides advanced features for 2.5D, 3D, 3+2 and multi-axis milling, as well as 2D turning applications. Features include an API (application programming interface) that enables automation of toolpath generation and post processing, and provides a CAM system with access to additional computing power.
HSMXpress is a CAM add-on for SolidWorks, designed for professional 2.5D milling and drilling applications.
Fusion 360, the company's cloud-based 3D design software, has been updated to include 2.5D, 3D and 3+2 machining strategies, enabling the machining of complex parts with sculptured or organic shapes and surfaces.