
CAM Software Optimized for Multitasking Machining

The updated GibbsCAM 13 provides a streamlined user experience, additional milling and turning capabilities and an enhanced G-code editor.  


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GibbsCAM 13 from 3D Systems has been updated to provide a streamlined user experience, additional milling and turning capabilities and an enhanced G-code editor.  

GibbsCAM 13 is said to be the only software currently offering elliptical turning, interpolation turning and eccentric turning, which combine to enable full functionality for multitasking machines. Elliptical Turning enables the user to turn parts on any machine that has an accommodating axis for machining, such as four-axis mills, mill-turns and boring machines. Interpolation Turning allows the user to cut a turning-style path by orienting a lathe insert toward a centerline while moving three linear axes and as many as three rotary axes. That way, turning operations can now be performed on milling and boring machines as well as turning centers with orientable spindles. Eccentric Turning facilitates turning operations for shapes not aligned with the center axis of a part (for example, cutting of lobes on a crankshaft or camshaft) eliminating costly setups and fixturing. 

Autobar Chamfer is offered for the first time in this release of GibbsCAM, enabling the user to define automatic chamfering of stock to eliminate burrs, said to be especially useful on Swiss-type lathes.

Broaching enables programming and simulation of linear and rotary broaches from the GibbsCAM interface. A full set of broaching tools are included; alternatively, the user can create custom broaches. Full broaching capabilities are available for milling and turning.

The 5-Axis Deburring module automatically programs deburring operations when the user selects geometry, surfaces or an entire model.

Advanced Approach and Retract Control provides specification of tool movement before and after cutting moves. The user can select part geometry to dictate tool movement, creating accurate and safe tool paths when custom retracts are needed.

Expanded face-milling capabilities allow the user to prepare stock efficiently for subsequent machining operations.

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