Camera System Enables Vision-Guided Robotics
ABB Robotics’ Integrated Vision smart camera system is designed for 2D vision-guided robotics applications.

ABB Robotics’ Integrated Vision smart camera system is designed for 2D vision-guided robotics applications. According to the company, the system enables users to track products more accurately, improve supply chain management, troubleshoot lines and processes, and expand the use of robotic automation. It can be used for inspection, defect detection, guidance, alignment and measurement operations.
Powered by Cognex, the vision system features imaging technologies such as the PatMax algorithm for advanced part location. It is integrated with both the ABB IRC5 controller and RobotStudio for run-time efficiency and offline engineering. Vision tasks can be quickly and easily created through ABB’s RobotStudio PC-based programming tool, the company says. Users can select features, set parameters and operate under real-world conditions from a library of common vision applications. The smart camera offers a range of built-in communication protocols that interface directly with the robot, reducing programming and set-up time.
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