
The company says its new M750 Hexacut high-insert-density cast and ductile iron face milling program offers better productivity than any other cast iron cutter it has produced. The eight-inch cutter features 28 inserts, double negative geometry and positive rake insert topography.
The program is useful for transfer lines and machining centers, such as those with CAT50 taper and HSK spindles. Included are a 45-degree lead angle roughing cutter and three 30-degree lead angle cutters, in addition to a 30-degree lead angle roughing cutter and two 30-degree lead angle finishing and semi finishing cutters.
One of the 30-degree lead angle finishing and semi finishing cutters is designed to provide reduced cutting pressure for machines and thin wall parts. All cutters in the new line use two-sided, hexagonal inserts with 12 cutting edges
The cutters are available in diameters ranging from 3” to 12” and 80-mm to 315-mm. The larger diameter cutters feature a two-piece design, consisting of an adapter ring and a spindle plate. An 8-inch cutter running at a chip load of 0.010” will feed at 0.140 ipr, so a 500-rpm spindle speed will produce a 140-ipm feed rate. The company says the double negative geometry provides the strength needed for metal removal, while the positive insert topography reduces cutting pressures, which can lower horsepower requirements. The 45-lead angle cutter is appropriate for roughing operations while the 30-degree lead angle roughing cutter offers an alternative for reducing breakout and also accepts wiper inserts. The 8-inch diameter, 30-degree lead angle semi finishing and finish cutters accept up to five wiper inserts, while the 3-inch cutters accept up to two. One of the two styles of 30-degree lead angle finishing cutters has the wiping facet offset slightly to reduce cutting pressure while the other style offers higher strength.
The company also offers a selection of coated carbide grades for the program.
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