
Ceiling-Mounted Robot Handles Lightweight Parts

The RH-3SxHR ceiling-mounted SCARA robot from Mitsubishi Electric Automation is designed for high-speed picking and handling of lightweight parts.


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The RH-3SxHR ceiling-mounted SCARA robot from Mitsubishi Electric Automation is designed for high-speed picking and handling of lightweight parts. The robot is capable of speeds as fast as 188 parts per minute and 0.01-mm repeatability, the company says. Its work envelope measures 700 × 150 mm. The robot weighs 24 kg and offers a payload of 3kg.
The robot is available in SD format, the traditional standalone configuration, and SQ format, the standard iQ-based configuration. Its compact design and overhead installation requires a smaller mounting structure, and the rigid construction provides improved strength and precision, the company says. The robot is available in a cleanroom version for semiconductor, medical and pharmaceutical applications. A wash-proof version is also available for food applications.

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