Cermet Turning Insert Maximizes Dimensional Accuracy
Walter’s cermet turning insert is designed to ensure dimensional accuracy, superior surface finish and reduced vibration.

Walter Cermet WEP10C FP5 geometry turning insert. Photo Credit: Walter
Walter has introduced a cermet turning insert designed to deliver superior surface finish with reduced vibration. The PVD-coated cermet grade WEP10C boasts low cutting pressure from its negative clearance FP5 geometry. It is optimized to improve productivity and dimensional stability in mass production. Its primary application is steel (ISO P), with secondary applications in stainless steel (ISO M) and cast iron (ISO K).
The new FP5 geometry in these inserts makes them well-suited for finishing with continuous and slightly interrupted cuts with improved wear resistance, according to the company.
These indexable turning inserts are designed for applications where a soft cut and high-precision are required. The WEP10C coated cermet grade with multilayer PVD TiCN TiAlN coating and extrafine cermet substrate grain enhances tool life. Walter’s combination of edge preparation and grade also ensures dimensional stability. Primary applications include energy, automotive and general metalworking.
In addition to the negative clearance geometry FP5, the WEP10C grade cermet inserts are available in positive clearance FP2 and FP4 geometries. The FP4 geometry is ideal for finishing operations requiring a visibly shiny surface finish, while the FP2 geometry is ideal for small diameters, fine boring and applications that requires a sharper cutting edge. The grade WEP10C is offered in most common ISO shaped inserts, including C, D, S, T, V, and W.
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