
CGTech Releases CNC Software Update

Company's Vericut software version 9.2 includes collision and performance improvements, new optimization and reporting features and more


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CGTech has released Vericut software version 9.2. Vericut CNC machine simulation, verification and optimization software simulates all types of CNC machining, additive and hybrid manufacturing processes. The software operates independently, but can also be integrated with CAM systems.

According to CGTech, Vericut 9.2 boosts manufacturing efficiency, helps preserve machines and cutting tools, increases machine capacity and reduces repair and scrap costs.

CGTech’s integrated simulation-optimization solution, Vericut Force, has also gotten updates. Force is designed to reduce machining times, extend tool life, prevent undesirable cutting conditions and improve part quality.

Vericut 9.2 highlights include:

  • Collision and performance improvements, such as increased speed for deep concave collision penetration, turning operations (especially I.D. work on large parts) and collision checking
  • More options for optimizing target chip thickness and combinations of Force limits, including Maximum Force, Maximum Power and Maximum Tool Deflection
  • Control of spindle speed through Force
  • New Learn mode, including “Learn From Results” in Graphs
  • Sandvik/Walter stock material (TMC) alias names
  • ‘Adjust Turning Interrupted Cut’ settings that slow feed rates on motions through gaps or obstructions on turned parts
  • New Assembly Manager that enables users to export/import assemblies via right-click options added to the Project Tree or in the Configure Component panel
  • New 3DLive Interface that allows for import of GDML format files
  • New cutting tool types and options for Hole Making tools
  • Enhancements for tool reporting, including automatic dimensioning for mill and hole making tools; new section capability in Tool Manager - Section tool holders or entire tool assemblies; and new dimensioned tool images available in reports
  • New Dockable Graphs and Tool Use Windows, including a Graphs window that combines Info Graphs and Force Charts
  • New Tool Use window that provides views of tool and program run times and optimization savings
  • Report enhancements, such as documentation of detailed reports for tools using Multi-Tool Stations; the ability to store the image and orientation of a Multi-Tool Station; 
  • table header and cell fill colors, table cell text coloring, additional control with table column widths, and the ability to copy and paste tables in reports
  •  New columns in Reports to describe the turret positions and multi stations used in simulation 
  • Instruments can now be defined in an Inspection Report
  • Measurements and tolerance values are all editable

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