Changeable-Head Drill Available in Fracture-Resistant Grade
Tungaloy is expanding its insert line for TungSix-Drill, the changeable-head drill, to include grade AH3135.

Tungaloy is expanding its insert line for TungSix-Drill, the changeable-head drill, to include grade AH3135. The grade is highly fracture-resistant, consisting of a tough carbide substrate and multiple layers of coatings designed to withstand high vibrations due to unfavorable cutting conditions. These features combine to enable longer tool life.
The tool is said to be the world’s first indexable insert drill that incorporates double-sided, triangular inserts with six effective cutting edges. Rather than generating unwanted, heavy cutting load during drilling, this insert is designed with an optimized rake angle and chipbreakers on both sides of the insert, providing the same light cutting action as a single-sided, positive insert.
It comes with drill diameters ranging from 0.812" to 2.000" (20 to 27 mm). The double-sided inserts contain six fully usable cutting edges, and identical inserts are used for both the center and the periphery. Optimal insert positioning provides high hole-diameter accuracy, and the geometry improves the cutting center edge.
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