YCM has expanded its TC series of high-performance, high-precision CNC lathes. The user-friendly TC-16 is said to feature a high cost-performance index and is designed for sectors including automotive, electronics and general job shops.
Features include a large through-hole spindle design with 6" and 8" chucks and a maximum turning diameter of 10.24". Large-diameter, double-row, cylindrical bearings enable the rigid spindle to carry a stable axial and radial load, the company says. Spindle power ranges to 20 hp.
According to the company, the efficient and durable linear-guideway design reduces non-cutting time and increases productivity. Direct-drive motors on the X and Z axes restrain backlash and achieve high positioning accuracy, the company says. The X and Z axes offer rapid feed rates of 945 and 1,181 ipm, respectively.
Driven by a servo motor and hydraulic clamp, the turret is designed for fast indexing and versatility with a 10T or 12T capacity.
The 45-degree slant-bed design is said to provide smooth chip disposal and easy operator access. According to the company, a telescopic cover and coolant shower system ease chip removal. The independent coolant tank isolates the base from heat exposure, and the design of main/sub coolant tank is said to simplify cleaning the chip conveyor. The filter and sup coolant tank can be drawn out separately for easy maintenance.
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