
Comprehensive Line of Clamping Solutions

Emuge offers a comprehensive line of clamping solutions ranging from low-volume applications in job shops to high-volume applications in automotive production environments.   With its expanding-bush design, System SG is used in such machining operations as hobbing, shaping and shaving for gear production as well as milling and inspection.


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Emuge offers a comprehensive line of clamping solutions ranging from low-volume applications in job shops to high-volume applications in automotive production environments.
With its expanding-bush design, System SG is used in such machining operations as hobbing, shaping and shaving for gear production as well as milling and inspection. According to the company, the system’s large amount of surface area contact with the workpiece provides a rigid, accurate and repeatable clamping solution. 
The high-precision System SP is used to clamp not only workpieces, but also tools. By applying an axial force, the clamping sleeves move in the direction of the force and expand radially. This eliminates clearance between clamping the sleeve and the body and between the clamping sleeve and the workpiece, the company says. The system achieves concentricity of <0.002 mm (corresponding to approximately <0.0001").
Another clamping solution, System SH, is designed for applications in which there is not enough room for mechanical clamping or for clamping long, thin-walled workpieces. The closed system uses hydraulic pressure to clamp workpieces.
System SZ is designed for workpieces that have a short clamping base or for diameters with a large tolerance. By applying an axial force, a slitted collet is radially expanded by a cone. Simultaneously, an axial movement occurs, clamping the workpiece.
Finally, the diaphragm clamping System SM is ideal for applications in which the eccentricity between pitch circle and seating bore is very small, the company says. It clamps the gear wheel at the pitch circle for machining the seating bore. The gear wheel is clamped in both axial and radial directions.

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