
Contour-Profiled Grinding Wheels Save Time, Increase Tool Life

IMTS 2018: Lach Diamond’s metal-bond, contour-profiled grinding wheels are designed to reduce the number of processing steps during deep grinding of a variety of materials.


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Lach Diamond’s metal-bond, contour-profiled grinding wheels are designed to reduce the number of processing steps during deep grinding of a variety of materials. Resin-bond grinding wheels need several processing steps to grind components made of carbide, high-alloyed steels, ceramics and non-oxide ceramics, but metal-bond grinding wheels can do similar work in only a single step, according to the company.

The wheels enable the grinding of many profile types, both concave and convex at tight tolerances ranging to 0.005 mm. One wheel is said to provide equivalent capacity to eight regular abrasives and wheels. According to the company, the wheels increase tool life by as much as 25 times and save time by as much as 35 to 60 percent due to higher feed rates per workpiece.

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