
Cutters and Inserts Enable Faster Feed Rates for Light-DOC Applications

The Mini-Feed cutters and inserts in Dapra’s Rhino-Feed line are designed for increased feed rates in light depth-of-cut applications.


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The Mini-Feed cutters and inserts in Dapra’s Rhino-Feed line are designed for increased feed rates in light depth-of-cut applications. The line is optimized for cuts ranging from 0.5" to 1" in diameter at a maximum depth of 0.03". The inserts feature three usable edges.
End mills and modular heads are available with one, two or three flutes. The inserts feature an 8-mm inscribed circle (IC) and operate at a light to moderate feed per tooth (FPT), which makes them well-suited for detail roughing and high-speed machining, especially in small machines, the company says. The positive geometry enables the cutters and inserts to cut virtually all materials.
The Rhino-Feed line adjusts feed rates to compensate for the significant chip thinning that occurs when an extreme lead angle is used during high-feed milling. Mid-Feed and Heavy-Feed cutters and inserts are also available for diameters as large as 4" and maximum depths of cut measuring 0.06". 


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