The Studer S41 CNC universal cylindrical grinder designed for precision, high removal rates and short cycle times in complex grinding jobs. A Granitan S103 base provides a solid, rigid and thermally stable platform that absorbs the high forces that occur during grinding operations involving high metal removal rates, the company says. It adds that the machine’s maintenance-free, high precision is a result of the StuderGuide guideway system. The longitudinal and cross slides move via linear direct drives at 66 ft/min and axis system resolutions of 10 Nm. The B-axis turret wheelhead’s swivel movement is also powered by a direct drive. According to the company, this enables fast positioning at a resolution of 0.00005 degree.
With center height of 225 or 275 mm and a distance between centers of 1,000 or 1,600, the machine can accommodate workpieces as heavy as 551 lbs. With an ergonomic design, the machine enables users to change grinding wheels with a single Allen wrench, while an integrated crane eliminates the need to manually move heavier wheels. The Fanuc 31i-A CNC operates with the company’s StuderGRIND grinding software and StuderWIN operator interface. Also available is a 15" touchscreen with ergonomically arranged controls, an additional manual control unit to facilitate grinding setups and a free-standing operating panel with adjustable height.
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