
Data-Collecting Platforms Monitor Status, Recommend Maintenance

IMTS 2018: FANUC Corp. offers the FANUC Intelligent Edge Link and Drive (FIELD) system and the Robot LINKi Zero Down Time (ZDT) platform.   


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FANUC Corp. offers the FANUC Intelligent Edge Link and Drive (FIELD) system and the Robot LINKi Zero Down Time (ZDT) platform.   

The FIELD system collects machine data and monitors the operating status of manufacturing equipment in real time. Third-party application developers can create and sell FIELD applications that improve the efficiency of equipment, production throughput and process quality using an industrial API interface to access the data and perform analytics. 

The ZDT platform, a cloud-based solution available to manufacturers who purchase FANUC robots, offers predictive analytics that can prevent unexpected downtime by identifying component failures in advance. It also recommends proper intervals for routine equipment maintenance activities. ZDT enables users to schedule regular production downtime for maintenance and mechanical hardware replacement. Users can also monitor the manufacturing process using a web portal, which provides a clear picture of device health, equipment usage and energy consumption.  ZDT data can also help customers reduce overall life cycle costs, according to FANUC. The company estimates that ZDT has saved users over 1,300 hours of unexpected production interruptions. 

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