Deburring Machine for Small Parts
The Spinner machine from Techniks batch deburrs ferrous and nonferrous parts produced on machining centers, Swiss-types and lathes.

The Spinner machine from Techniks batch deburrs ferrous and nonferrous parts produced on machining centers, Swiss-types and lathes. According to the company, it quickly and effectively deburrs most small, precision parts produced for the medical, electronics and aerospace industries.
The Spinner uses stainless steel pin media to remove light burrs and microburrs without harming the part. The magnetically activated media deburrs internal cavities, slots, holes and even blind holes. All parts are automatically demagnetized at the end of the deburring cycle.
The deburring machine is fully programmable for hands-free operation. It is available in three different sizes to batch deburr small, medium and large quantities of parts.
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