

Digital Readout System Features Color Screen

The Innova 40i digital readout (DRO) system is dubbed the “true vision” due to its high-resolution TFT color screen. With the color screen, it is possible to execute solid 3D program simulations right at the DRO. In addition, standard features include a pocket cycle, bolt-hole cycle, linear hole and matrix cycles.


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The Innova 40i digital readout (DRO) system is dubbed the “true vision” due to its high-resolution TFT color screen. With the color screen, it is possible to execute solid 3D program simulations right at the DRO. In addition, standard features include a pocket cycle, bolt-hole cycle, linear hole and matrix cycles. Additional productivity features include part centering, plane and angle operator selection, 20 offsets, tool radius compensation and more.  

Standard features of the turning system include turning and taper cycles that use a graphical interface with conversational-type data entry for simplicity and programming ease. In addition, the system allows for the capability of threading. It offers 15 tool offsets, diameter/radius programming and even axes coupling. Additional standard features include fine/course resolution selection, inch/metric programming, absolute/incremental selection and tool nose radius compensation.   

The system can be customized by parameter for milling, boring, turning, grinding or general-purpose applications. Intuitive graphic help screens are used for each application to ensure easy operation, the company says.  

The company also offers the 8055 i CNC system for milling, turning and grinding applications.

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