
Dry Ice Blast Cleaning Saves Time, Increases Efficiency

Dry ice blast cleaning is a quick, efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastics industry cleaning methods, which can be time-consuming, ineffective and costly, the company says.


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Dry ice blast cleaning is a quick, efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastics industry cleaning methods, which can be time-consuming, ineffective and costly, the company says. Dry ice blasting enables plastic molders to clean while molds are still hot in the press. This reduces downtime by eliminating the need to cool, disasseme, manually clean, reassemble and reheat the mold. Dry ice blast cleaning is non-abrasive, non-conductive, and will not etch or profile most metals. The process enables users to clean intricate mold shapes and removes mold-release-agent buildup, plastic residue and out-gassing. It intricate molds can be cleaned with dry ice blasting, the company says.

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