The Lightweight Selecto SL and ST series electro lifting magnets from Eriez are designed to enable faster, reliable lifts. According to the company, the magnets eliminate the need for hooks slings and grabs, reducing costs and improving efficiency. Designed to be used either individually or in multiples, the magnets are rated at 100-percent duty cycle for continuous operation, and models are available to handle loads ranging from 375 to 12,125 lbs.The SL series magnets require an Eriez variable-voltage rectifier controller or a fixed-voltage rectifier to furnish DC power from an AC source. The controller can be mounted in any location near the area where the lifting magnet is stationed. Meanwhile, the ST series feature a miniaturized rectifier and drop control circuit with a “lift-off-drop” switch attached to the magnet. The feature can briefly cancel out residual magnetism, enabling the load to be easily discharged from the magnet without requiring a separate rectifier.