
Enhanced Multi-Axis Machining Software

 NCL multi-axis machining software V9.8 includes enhancements that reduce programming time and increase toolpath efficiency.


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NCL multi-axis machining software V9.8 includes enhancements that reduce programming time and increase toolpath efficiency. Enhanced Smart Forms remember the size and location of input dialogues to optimize screen space, ease selection of graphical data and conform to the preferences of individual users. “Entity Data” selections allow users to pick geometry and toolpath entities, easily modify their attributes or make changes to the method of creation. During material removal simulation, enhanced attribute data associated with the cut model allows users to easily trace and modify the toolpath operation responsible for any given cut, the company says.
Improved storage of tessellated data improves the speed of roughing toolpath calculations, especially on large, complex models. Five-axis corner reduction performs “rest material” machining using two-, three-, four- and five-axis motion.

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