
Environmentally Friendly Bulk Buffing Compound

The Matchless Metal Polish Company’s Match-Vat one-way tote for liquid buffing compounds uses an air bladder to completely force all compound from the 225-gallon cardboard bulk tank. Once empty, this tank can be collapsed and completely disposed of with regular trash. The compound bladder is filled at the factory where no air or contaminates can get in, the company says.


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The Matchless Metal Polish Company’s Match-Vat one-way tote for liquid buffing compounds uses an air bladder to completely force all compound from the 225-gallon cardboard bulk tank. Once empty, this tank can be collapsed and completely disposed of with regular trash. The compound bladder is filled at the factory where no air or contaminates can get in, the company says. It is then tied directly to the customer’s pump. The tote eliminates scraping compounds, storing empties, and the shipping costs of returning empty containers to the customer.

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