
ERP Software's Extension Layer Ends "Version Lock"

Macola Software, an ECi Software Solutions company, has released version 10.7 of its Macola enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business management software.


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, an ECi Software Solutions company, has released version 10.7 of its Macola enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business management software. This version enables users to extend and customize their ERP investment, expands its ecosystem with new third-party application programming interfaces (APIs), and improves user experience.

The software enables users to access and analyze data both in real time and at a glance, giving them critical status updates at every step in the supply chain process. The company has streamlined key processes within the platform, such as order entry, billing selection, order search and filtering, quoting, and creation of credit memos.

This version includes a flexible extension layer to the platform that virtually eliminates “version lock” issues and frees users from the fear of upgrading. Hundreds of new API functions for systems integrators ensure visibility of real-time data and control of enterprise processes through third-party apps. “At a glance” status indicators instantly show customer service personnel the status of orders. A simplified “features and options” configurator is designed to help users get orders into the system faster. Customers who use multiple divisions can toggle between divisions without disrupting their workflow. Simplified credit memo quoting and creation is designed to better accommodate the way people do their jobs, further streamlining processes such as order entry, billing selection, and order search and filtering.

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