Exchangeable-Head End Mills Increase Accuracy, Repeatability
OSG’s Phoenix PXM exchangeable-head end mill series features the company’s cutting geometries and coating, which are designed to improve performance in a variety of applications and materials such as steel, stainless steel, hardened steel and heat-resistant alloys.

OSG’s Phoenix PXM exchangeable-head end mill series features the company’s cutting geometries and coating, which are designed to improve performance in a variety of applications and materials such as steel, stainless steel, hardened steel and heat-resistant alloys.
The PXM enables high accuracy and repeatability with a radial runout of less than 0.0006" (0.015 mm) and an axial repeatability of ±0.0012" (±0.030 mm). The tool’s two-face contact (end face and taper) enables high rigid clamping. At large and small diameters, the PXM is designed to offer efficiency, precision, flexibility and cost savings.
The PXM offers 11 different types of exchangeable heads to tackle a variety of machining situations and materials, including stable machining with long overhangs, silent rouging, high hardness materials, profile milling and finishing operations.
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