External Threading Toolholder Directs Coolant to the Cutting Edge
Designed for more effective coolant flow and improved chip control, Carmex’s new X-treme Jet external thread turning toolholder provides two connecting options via an elbow fitting and top clamp.

Designed for more effective coolant flow and improved chip control, Carmex’s new X-treme Jet external thread turning toolholder provides two connecting options via an elbow fitting and top clamp to more precisely direct the coolant flow to the cutting edge, where it is most effective.
Available in both right- and left-handed configurations, the X-treme Jet is coated for maximum abrasive resistance. Ideal for high-pressure coolant applications, the directed flow reduces cutting edge temperature, resulting in higher performance, improved chip flow and longer tool life.
According to the company, the X-treme Jet is designed to optimize cutting performance while providing the additional efficiencies of improved coolant effectiveness and longer tool life.
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