FANUC Launches Mobile Apps for Comparing CNCs, Components
The CNC Comparison, the CNC Functions Catalog and the CNC Alarms apps are said to provide key FANUC product information in a user-friendly way.

FANUC America, a leading automation solutions provider, releases a suite of new mobile apps for quicker delivery of vital information. The , the and the CNC Alarms set of apps are said to provide key FANUC product information in a user-friendly way.
The CNC Comparison and the CNC Functions Catalog are two newly created apps designed to help easily evaluate the vast array of FANUC CNC products available. The FANUC CNC Comparison App enables users to compare a wide variety of FANUC CNCs. For a deeper dive into the selection of FANUC components, functions and software, users can download the CNC Functions Catalog App. And for quick troubleshooting, the FANUC CNC Alarms App helps identify alarm codes from the various controls.
“We know the nature of manufacturing work is changing and having easy access to information from mobile devices is crucial,” says Paul Webster, director of factory automation engineering for FANUC America. “With multiple generations working in the manufacturing field, we believe it’s important to deliver information via the tools many workers are now using.”
The CNC Comparison, CNC Functions Catalog and CNC Alarms Mobile Apps are available to download now in the Apple Store and Google Play.