Filter Reduces Linear Motor Clogging
IMTS 2018: Transor Filter’s Transor Linear reduces clogging of linear motors and provides continuous old filtered to 1 micron.

Transor Filter’s filtration systems are designed for tool and cutter grinding, cylindrical grinding, super-finishing and lapping operations. To prevent clogging issues, the Transor Linear provides continuous oil filtered to 1 micron (absolute). Based on the Transor OMF design, the Transor Linear draws 1-micron-filtered oil from a separate, primary, clean-storage area and provides temperature control to ±0.1°C. to ensure thermal stability and consistency. The Transor Linear features automated cleaning of the filter elements in a staggered fashion so that clean oil is always being produced, even when the cleaning procedure is in operation. A sludge-handling device is also available for total process automation.