The HSM 400U LP high speed milling machine from AgieCharmilles is designed to provide simultaneous five-axis, high speed machining and deliver powerful performance and precision. An optional pallet changer with 20/48 pallets provides capability for 24/7 unattended machining. The pallet changer can be loaded while the machine is cutting to minimize downtime and enhance automation, the company says.
Speeds range to 250 rpm on the rotational axis and 150 rpm on the swiveling B axis, which features a range of 220 degrees. The machining center also uses liquid-cooled, linear direct-drive motor technology to enable short setting times and high dynamic rigidity of the attitude control. Additionally, the linear direct drive combines with central oil lubrication to reduce friction-induced wear and ensure precision.
With vector spindles available at 30,000, 42,000 or 54,000 rpm, the machining center also provides quality surface finish and part detail, while reducing machining time for semi-finishing and finishing operations, the company says. The machine’s high dynamics and 1.7-G acceleration help to reduce non-productive time and help to maximize spindle utilization.
The machine features a Heidenhain iTNC 530 control system and smart machining modules that are said to provide advanced levels of monitoring critical to the production of high-value precision medical, aerospace and mold inserts. The system enables the machine to automatically inspect tools for breakage and measure the workpieces. Additionally, the smart machine modules automatically monitor spindle vibration, calibrate machine geometry and transmit process status messages to an operator’s cell phone.
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