
KGK International distributes Tokyo Technical Instruments’ TTI line of CNC gear measuring and inspection systems. The system is modular, user friendly and accurate, the company says. It covers virtually all gear configurations from 40 mm to 1,500 mm.  The shaft component is symmetrically constructed with respect to the center of the machine base for stable measurement and polished to a 0.1-µ mirror finish to increase wear resistance. CNC features include the original BB-2 NC system, as well as a Windows-compatible PC system offering easy network (LAN) interface. The software can evaluate a range of standards including ISO, AGMA, DIN, GB/T, JIS and JIS. Results are expressed in a combination of numerical tables, graphs and profiles. Data can be saved for later comparisons (such as before and after heat treating), and software is self-diagnostic.  An advantage of the smaller sized units, such as those in the 250-mm range, is that they are portable. Because of modular reinforced construction, they can be moved from station to station without affecting accuracy, the company says. Â
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