Grinder Reduces Setup Time for Helical Screw Workpieces
Holroyd Precision’s TG 350 rotor grinding machine is designed to provide accuracy, speed and repeatability through greater levels of automation and reduced setup time.

Holroyd Precision’s TG 350 rotor grinding machine is designed to provide accuracy, speed and repeatability through greater levels of automation and reduced setup time. TG-series machines are designed primarily for the finish grinding of helical screw components such as worm screws and rotors after they have been milled to a rough or semi-finished state.
The TG 350 saves cycle time with its diamond dressing wheels that continually dress during the cycle. Fully automated on-machine probing provides closed-loop feedback of corrections to the dresser wheel and does not require a high level of operator skill. TG models offer production rates and accuracies to suit precise manufacturing strategies.
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