High Clamping Force Toolholder
The powRgrip PG system uses a toolholder and collet to generate high clamping forces while maintaining a TIR of less than 0. 0001", the company says. The system is said to be ideal for high speed machining applications, and it can clamp tool shanks ranging to 1" in diameter.

The powRgrip PG system uses a toolholder and collet to generate high clamping forces while maintaining a TIR of less than 0.0001", the company says. The system is said to be ideal for high speed machining applications, and it can clamp tool shanks ranging to 1" in diameter.
The company also offers the ER coolant flush disk, a cooling and lubricating solution for users without coolant-through tools. Equipped with a long nose that acts like a directional spray nozzle, the flush disks can direct coolant down the shaft to the cutting tip of an end mill for extended tool life, efficient chip removal and improved results, the company says.
Additionally, the company will showcase its balancing ring system, which allows standard toolholders to be upgraded.
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