
The EC-550 HMC features a 30" × 34" × 32" work envelope; 50-taper, geared-head spindle; dual pallet changer with 550-mm pallets; 50-pocket, side-mount toolchanger; and a built-in, 1-degree pallet indexer. Its standard geared head couples the motor directly to the spindle through a precision gearbox, which provides efficiency and thermal stability. The two-speed gearbox offers 450 foot-pounds of torque for heavy material removal and speeds to 6,000 rpm for finishing operations. An optional 45-hp, 10,000-rpm, direct-drive spindle offers 170 foot-pounds of torque at 1,400 rpm and a peak power rating of 60 hp at 7,000 rpm.  The load capacity for each pallet is 2,205 lbs. A protected load station allows an operator to load and unload parts or change fixtures on one pallet while parts are being machined on the other pallet. The HMC is equipped with a large-volume coolant tank and a high-capacity belt conveyor for efficient chip removal during long-cycle-time operations. Also, standard are 710-ipm rapid traverse rates; a 15" color LCD monitor with USB port; 1 MB of program memory; a flood and washdown coolant system; and a programmable coolant nozzle. Optional features include a full fourth axis; a 72-pocket side-mount ATC; high-pressure, through-spindle coolant delivery; a wireless probing system; and high speed machining software.
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