High Speed Machining Center Features Motion Control
Hurco will showcase the high speed VMX42HSi mill equipped with direct-drive servos, an 18-k integral spindle and X/Y/Z travels of 42" × 24" × 24".

Hurco will showcase the high speed VMX42HSi mill equipped with direct-drive servos, an 18-k integral spindle and X/Y/Z travels of 42" × 24" × 24". An automatic toolchanger supports HSK tooling and has a chip-to-chip time of 4.5 sec. The air-over-oil spindle lubrication is designed to distribute oil evenly and prevent bearings from grease starvation. Larger linear rails are mounted to a machined shoulder for increased rigidity, and the rails are wedge-locked to the frame to reduce vibration.
The mill features Hurco’s UltiMotion motion control system said to reduce cycle time while improving surface finish quality. This system uses complex software algorithms for motion planning rather than conventional hardware, optimizing look-ahead to as many as 10,000 blocks, the company says. Optimized for the advanced tool paths generated by CAM systems, the Hurco integrated control features a 64-GB solid-state drive, 2 GB of memory, a 2-GHz dual-core Intel processor and processing speed as fast as 2,277 bps.
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