
The KFS 250S provides large-capacity hob sharpening with a high speed, direct-drive grinding spindle; GE Fanuc CNC panel, software with conversational programming; and an integrated crane for the loading and unloading of larger hobs. The machine has a maximum grinding diameter of 254 mm and a maximum length of 305 mm. Capable of conforming to AGMA’s AAA quality, the machine is suitable for either high speed steel or carbide tools and has pre-loaded linear guideways. Also available is the MZ 130 CNC gear hobbing and worm milling machine; the WGT 350 gear inspection machine; and the Model 300 gear hobbing machine. The MZ 130 produces spur gears, worm gears, worms and threads. It is suitable for large and small quantities. The WGT 350 has four axes of CNC standard with air-bearing technology on all axes. The Model 300 combines machine technology with versatility and flexibility in an area of only 8 m2, says the company. Â
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