Jergens' Quick Loc Pallet System Offers Repeatability
Jergens Inc. has introduced its Quick Loc pallet system for fixturing solutions on horizontal, vertical and five-axis machining operations.

Jergens Inc. has introduced its Quick Loc pallet system for fixturing solutions on horizontal, vertical and five-axis machining operations. The adapters and pallets provide repeatability of 0.0003" for small tooling platforms as well as clamping forces of nearly 14,000 lbs. Quick Loc products are manufactured from case-hardened steel for high rigidity. A single drive screw speeds operation and reduces setup and change-over time for both fixtures and workpieces. The complete range of receivers, risers, pallets and cubes can be configured for many applications.
Receivers are square, rectangular and round in either 52- or 96-mm patterns. They are available with or without mounting holes for custom mounting configuration. They are also compatible with many other pallet systems. Risers enable greater access to the part during machining. Cubes and twin bases function like small columns holding multiple fixture setups.
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