
Jergens Workholding System Clamps Challenging Workpieces

The Adaptix vise jaw system is designed to accommodate part configurations, adapting to asymmetrical and other features quickly.


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Photo Credit: Jergens Inc.

Jergens has partnered with Norgren to engineer the Adaptix vise jaw system into its line of production vises. The specialized design — which incorporates sliding fingers with replaceable studs and fingertips — clamps challenging workpieces quickly and securely for machining. With this, Adaptix is mounted to the vise body in place of standard jaws to accommodate part configurations, adapting to asymmetrical and other features quickly.

The high gripping force ensures precision throughout the machining process, according to the company. Once the lockable fingers have been adjusted to the workpiece, which takes only moments, remaining parts are clamped in and out quickly and with high repeatability, resulting in more uptime and tight tolerances. Because these shapes can be set up very fast, Adaptix is well-suited for high-mix, low-volume applications, including short production runs and prototyping. The moving parts of the jaws — fingers, studs and fingertips — have been engineered for many thousands of actuations and are also easily field serviced if needed.

Adaptix is said to require an average of approximately 20 minutes to set up and offers superior accuracy and repeatability. Additionally, this flexible system reduces the need for multiple soft jaws. Adaptix is designed so fluids and chips won’t interfere with operation. The system’s studs are available in different materials including aluminum and steel. Step profiles and other shapes provide gripping flexibility. The jaw system is compatible with industry vises such as Jergens 6" production vise. Packages with vise and jaws, or jaws only, are available.

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