
The company announces the 300S four-axis digital readout DRO console for milling and turning applications. Featuring a 5.7", 320 × 240 resolution transmissive LCD display, the fully-programmable readout allows users to create, edit and execute programs from the program mode. It provides storage for as many as 10 programs, each of which is independently labeled and can hold a total of 250 program steps. The console’s various programming features include tool step, datum step, preset step, circle pattern step (mill only), linear pattern step (mill only) and incline and arc milling steps (mill only).  Users can configure the console for a two-, three- or four-axis display and set the application software for milling or turning according to their needs. According to the company, this versatility eliminates the need for users to buy multiple application-specific consoles. All prompts, instructions and help functions are visible as text or graphics on the screen. Additionally, all standard routines are visible with graphics, allowing users to work without referring to manuals or memorizing codes. The accessible functionality of the display is intended to save time and increase efficiency and productivity.  The console comes complete with bolthole pattern calculations for full and partial circles with graphics; 16 tool offsets; zero reset and preset features; tool-diameter compensation; near-zero warning; and more. The readout system also includes an intuitive keypad with operation specific soft keys; the company’s precision glass scales that provide accuracy to ±0.00006" (1.5µm); and Position- Trac, a feature that is designed to allow machine operators to accurately and quickly reestablish workpiece zero from any position after a power interruption.
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