
Line of Rotary Tables Features Modular Clamping System

Exsys Tool will spotlight its line of high-precision pL Lehmann rotary tables, as well as the line’s SwissClamp modular clamping system.


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Exsys Tool will spotlight its line of high-precision pL Lehmann rotary tables, as well as the line’s SwissClamp modular clamping system.

The Swiss-manufactured rotary tables enable users to upgrade a VMC’s productivity, the company says. The tables are available in four basic models that can be assembled into as many as 240 different configurations. More than 20 different available clamping methods and behind-the-spindle accessories further extend the system’s adaptability.

All tables are designed to facilitate optimal tool access to the workpiece. The tables and spindles offer strong resistance to pull-out torque and axial force, while providing high levels of clamping torque. Engineered for low power consumption and light weight, the tables feature IP67 rated enclosures. The line also includes an extensive selection of workholding interface options.

The line features single-spindle and multi-spindle options that are available in four-axis and four- or five-axis versions. Swiveling-bridge-style four-axis tables employ a Roto-Fix clamping yoke for the machining of multiple parts. The backlash-free preloaded gear drive is designed to provide high torque and high rotation speeds, with spindles capable of speeds ranging from 47 to 111 rpm and cycle time for 90 degrees of 0.34 sec. The five-axis table can operate in simultaneous machining or 3+2 positioning modes.

The SwissClamp system enables operators to mount multiple workpieces on machine tool tables for uninterrupted production and unmanned operations. The modules mount on face plates or directly on worktables, and are designed to extend a shop’s potential part-clamping range from 90 to 200 mm. The system is applicable to rotary and standard tables on vertical or horizontal machines.

The clamp system enables both mono clamping and duo clamping. Configuration options include creating a clamping tower or tombstone on a fourth axis; a horizontal clamping cone that is overhung or with counter bearing; or a clamping bridge on a trunnion table setup where both sides require a different design with mono and duo systems. Operators can also create clamping modules on the fourth or fifth axis.

When used for finish clamping, the system’s finish jaws achieve non-rotating, precise parallel clamping with a clamping stroke of 1 mm that is said to prevent indentations and ensure high surface quality. The system enables finish clamping to a depth of 6 mm.

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