Manufacturing Training Via Mobile Devices
TU Mobile is a mobile training platform from Tooling U that allows users to access the company’s training Web site from anywhere in the world, without using a computer. The company says that by introducing the platform, it intends to increase usability and portability of training. The platform offers many features from the company’s main training site.

TU Mobile is a mobile training platform from Tooling U that allows users to access the company’s training Web site from anywhere in the world, without using a computer. The company says that by introducing the platform, it intends to increase usability and portability of training.
The platform offers many features from the company’s main training site. Using a mobile device, a student can take a class, enter and save notes and complete tests. Additionally, administrators responsible for managing a training program can track student reports and administer student schedules while out of the office.
The platform is compatible with all Blackberry, iPhone and Windows mobile devices.
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