Mechanical Unit Offers Lightweight, Compact Workholding Option
IMTS 2018: Tecnara is displaying the Kawata Touchdex, a fully mechanical unit that automatically indexes and synchronizes with NC programs.

Tecnara is displaying the Kawata Touchdex, a fully mechanical unit that automatically indexes and synchronizes with NC programs. The product is not motorized, requires no power cables or digital interfaces, and offers a small footprint and quick installation.
The product uses a locking pin that automatically fixes the workpiece with a clamping force said to be two- to three-times greater than a friction brake. It is designed for precision and consistency in heavy milling, end milling, drilling and tapping jobs.
Indexing accuracy is said to be less than 30 seconds, and repeat accuracy is said to be ± 3 seconds. The clamping system reduces backlash for the life of the unit. The product is lightweight and can be installed in very tight locations. By aligning two or more units, multiple workpieces can be machined simultaneously.
Available models include: the FDR model for clockwise and counter-clockwise operation; the FDM model for vertical or horizontal integration; the Tilting model that integrates two units for five-face machining on vertical machining centers; the Vicedex model for three-face machining in one operation; and the lightweight FD-105 model for small workpiece machining.
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