Milling Chucks Reduce Run-Out
Rego-Fix’s millTite milling chucks are said to reduce run-out while increasing gripping force.

Rego-Fix’s millTite milling chucks are said to reduce run-out while increasing gripping force. Designed for roughing and finishing, the chucks provide concentricity of 0.0004" at 4× diameter and can be reduced with sleeves to match the tool with the specific machining application at hand. Helical internal slots and extra-thick walls ensure durability, long working life and smooth clamping. The multi-seal design of the chucks helps keep dirt and debris out, and seals the system for coolant-through applications.
MillTite chuck nuts seat positively against holder body bases to reduce the risk of over tightening, and increase holder rigidity and stability. The holders’ roller bearing cages incorporate alternating patters that distribute clamping forces evenly around cutting tools to ensure the optimal TIR and system repeatability from clamp to clamp. The chucks work in CAT 40, CAT 50, BT-40 and HSK 63A spindles, while milling chuck sleeves accommodate collet diameters ranging from 0.250" to 1.00".
Rego-Fix will also exhibit its slim-nose powRgrip 6 and secuRgrip clamping systems.
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