
Monitoring System Detects Vibration with USB Sensors

Caron Engineering’s DTect-IT monitoring system identifies machine irregularities using custom USB sensors.


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Caron Engineering’s DTect-IT monitoring system identifies machine irregularities using custom USB sensors. DTect-IT is a Windows application that runs standalone or can be programmed to communicate with the CNC. It was originally developed to detect excessive vibration levels on bar feeders, but it can effectively detect vibration irregularities anywhere on a CNC machine tool or fixture, the company says. It can also monitor small amounts of force, or anything with a 0- to 10-V signal through the connection of an analog sensor.

DTect-IT has multiple monitoring modes including limit analysis, bearing analysis, fault detection and sensor data collection. At Eastec 2017, Caron will highlight the bearing analysis feature. A DTect-IT vibration sensor will be attached near the main spindle of a Swiss-type lathe to monitor spindle vibration and analyze the bearings between cutting.

According to the company, the versatile monitoring system provides valuable information about the health of a CNC machine, establishing a baseline of characteristics so users can detect irregularities before the machine is jeopardized.

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