Multi-Axis Machining Increases Speed, Finish
Mastercam offers a range of basic and advanced multi-axis machining strategies with enhancements to the Port5ax and Flow5ax tool paths, TrueSolids five-axis Verify improvements and more. The Port5ax and Flow5ax tool paths include features that allow an overlap or blend to be added at the beginning and end of a tool path.

Mastercam offers a range of basic and advanced multi-axis machining strategies with enhancements to the Port5ax and Flow5ax tool paths, TrueSolids five-axis Verify improvements and more.
The Port5ax and Flow5ax tool paths include features that allow an overlap or blend to be added at the beginning and end of a tool path. These features are useful for creating better finishes in areas where tool paths meet from opposite directions, the company says. Several options are available for controlling the start and end of a port or flowline multi-axis tool path, including skipping the first and last pass and blending the entry and exit.
TrueSolids five-axis Verify uses solid modeling technology for toolpath simulation. After verifying a part in TrueSolid mode, users can rotate and magnify the part to closely check features, surface finish or scallops.
Mastercam’s advanced multi-axis machining strategies allow users to choose which type of project they are doing, and the interface adjusts to show exactly what is needed to complete a job. Other multi-axis features include general speed improvements, advanced gouge checking and a five-axis safe zone around parts to ensure safe cuts in complex operations. The software can machine five-axis curves with independent definitions of tool side angle and lead/lag angle. Special options are available for machining cylinder heads and converting probe data to machinable geometries.
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