
The latest version of Delcam’s PowerInspect hardware-independent inspection software features support for multi-axis on-machine verification. This enables verification on complex four-, five- and six-axis machine tools both during and after machining. This feature also provides users with the capability to check undercut regions without repositioning the workpiece.
A color-coded scheme for measured points, known as the “bouncing ball,” colors all points blue except for the first measurement, which is shown in red. As inspection proceeds, the next point to be measured is colored red while those already measured are turned to gray. It can be applied either when using teach-and-learn inspection of the first item in a production run or when programming a sequence for a number of parts off-line. In both cases, users can more easily reproduce an inspection sequence developed by a different operator, the company says.
In addition, the software is compatible with the AIMS metrology system used by aerospace companies such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin. According to the company, compatibility with AIMS will enable seamless sharing of CAD geometry, inspection plans and measurement results between the company’s software and other hardware and software systems. In addition, AIMS-compatible software will be easier to introduce alongside existing inspection systems used within an organization or along its supply chain.
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