Optical Comparators Automate Inspection Processes
Developed by VisionX and available from Methods Machine Tools, the VisionGauge 700 series of digital optical comparators enables five-axis inspection so that users can efficiently view workpieces from all sides and angles.

Developed by VisionX and available from Methods Machine Tools, the VisionGauge 700 series of digital optical comparators enables five-axis inspection so that users can efficiently view workpieces from all sides and angles. Suitable for automatic inspection of workpieces with complex geometries, the 700 series comparators are particularly effective for workpieces found in aerospace, power generation and other industries where parts can be challenging to manufacture. The systems are capable of checking both round and shaped holes created through EDM or laser drilling, and can automatically verify precise hole presence and measure hole location. They can also be set up to automatically collect electronic documentation and device history for SPC and quality compliance.
Available in high-resolution 20× magnification, the comparators offer a 38" diagonal image viewing area. X-, Y- and Z-axis travels measure 12" × 12" × 12". Motion in the X, Y, Z, rotary and tilt axes enables fast, accurate inspections while the comparators’ adaptive software locates features of interest on surfaces with varying reflectivity and viewing angles. Designed as a fully digital drop-in replacement for traditional optical comparators, the Windows-based systems work directly with a workpieces CAD data and do not require overlays, Mylars or templates An “auto-align” tool assigns CAD data to a workpiece in less than 2 sec. for repeatable, accurate results that are completely operator-independent, according to Methods. An “auto pass/fail” tool determines if a workpiece is within tolerance with point-based or geometric entity analysis and can perform both simultaneously on a part. All-LED lighting offers stable, repeatable multi-angle and multi-quadrant illumination via a programmable, computer-controlled system.
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