
The optical gaging system DH 216-200 LCD’s part view screen displays a part photograph as it is being measured and can provide a printed copy. It also provides a non-contact 50-millionth step measuring system, which is said to reduce manufacturing costs while improving product quality.
The system includes magnification from l0 times to 100 times, motorized XYZ stage travel up to 6" × 18" × 3", automatic edge sensing, an electronic screen protractor, erect optical image, a choice of PC-based or computerized geometric readouts, RS232 interface to a printer for hard copy documentation and optical accuracy of 0.05 percent.
A full-screen alphanumeric display gives written instructions to prompt and guide the user through the measurement procedure. A simple process of making an original manual inspection accomplishes programming for even the most complex part inspection, while the computerized inspection procedure can be speedily repeated automatically by pushing a button.
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