
Plug-In Improves CAD/CAM Workflow

MecSoft Corporation's VisualXport 2014 CAD/CAM software is a direct plug-in for SolidWorks that enables users to export parts in the .vcp VisualMill file format.


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MecSoft Corporation's VisualXport 2014 CAD/CAM software is a direct plug-in for SolidWorks that enables users to export parts in the .vcp VisualMill file format. The software improves workflow for users that design in SolidWorks and use VisualMill in their manufacturing process. VisualXport enables exporting 2D and 3D sketches (curves), solids with combined faces, solids with separate faces, and individual surfaces. Solids and surfaces can also be exported as NURBS surfaces. VisualXport 2014 is compatible with SolidWorks versions 2009 through 2014.

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