
Polishing/Deburring System Provides Mirror Finish

Gesswein’s Ultramax MF is a multi-function polishing and deburring system designed to reduce finishing time.


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Gesswein’s Ultramax MF is a multi-function polishing and deburring system designed to reduce finishing time. The system is capable of operating brush-type, brushless and ultrasonic handpieces. It polishes slots, ribs and intricate details, and it deburrs in sensitive areas without damage, the company says. Short stroke and fast reciprocation help control demanding finishing tasks. Special control functions enable users to polish right up to a wall or finish to an edge.

The polishing and deburring system is said to be unaffected by complex alloys and tungsten carbide. Everything from milled surfaces to rough EDM surfaces can be polished to a mirror finish, the company says.  

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