Portable Vacuums Clean Hazardous, Non-Hazardous Material
IMTS 2018: Dynabrade Inc.’s Raptor Vac portable vacuum systems are designed to capture dust and debris to improve workplace cleanliness and safety.

Dynabrade Inc.’s Raptor Vac portable vacuum systems are designed to capture dust and debris to improve workplace cleanliness and safety. The vacuums can be used in a variety of industries, such as auto body shops, wood shops, fiberglass fabricators and more.
The vacuums meet North American and international safety standards and are offered in electric and pneumatic models, each with a high-efficiency particulate air filter. The company’s M-class vacuums are suitable for general source capture and dry cleanup on non-metallic surfaces such as woods and plastics. Its Division 2 vacuums are designed for workplaces where hazardous dust is not normally suspended in an ignitable concentration, but may accidentally exist. Its Division 1 vacuums are used for dry-only collection where ignitable quantities of dust normally are or may be in suspension, or conductive dust may exist. Using mineral oil as a neutralizing liquid, the company’s Division 1 vacuums with immersion separators facilitate safe recovery of combustible dusts, rendering hazardous material inert.
The company also offers an optional vacuum/accessory cart (for M-class and Division 2 units) on which tools and accessories may be mounted for quick access or stored in a lockable storage compartment. Optional vacuum accessories include vacuum-hose assemblies, filter elements, hose and air-line accessories, vacuum-cleaning kits and vacuum trays.