Quicktech TTS-42 Twin-Spindle Multitasking Center
Absolute Machine Tools’ Quicktech TTS-42 twin-spindle multitasking turning center features nine axes, two turning spindles, two milling spindles and a 31-tool capacity.

Absolute Machine Tools’ Quicktech TTS-42 twin-spindle multitasking turning center features nine axes, two turning spindles, two milling spindles and a 31-tool capacity. A three-axis (XYZ) gang-type vertical tool post serves each spindle, with the main tool post featuring a full B axis for live tools. Maximum turning length for the main spindle is 226 mm and turning diameter for the subspindle is 98.5 mm.
The main spindle tool post features six OD turning tools, four ID turning tools, three radial live tool heads and three axial live tool heads. The subspindle tool post features four OD turning tools, five ID turning tools, three axial live tool heads and three radial live tool heads. The B axis allows the live tools to rotate -45 degrees to +130 degrees and be applied to both the main and the subspindle.
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